Introducing AskPlato: ChatGPT powered Chrome Extension that Enhances your Online Experience

Enhance your Google Search engine web experience, Twitter experience & share the same on Whatsapp.

5 min readMar 29, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly become one of the most transformative technologies of the 21st century, with the potential to revolutionize almost every aspect of human life. From healthcare to education, transportation to finance, AI is transforming industries and changing the way we live and work. One area where AI is having a significant impact is in the field of natural language processing, which involves teaching computers to understand and generate human language.

ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI, is one such innovation that is changing the game in natural language processing. With its state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms, ChatGPT is capable of analyzing vast amounts of text data and generating responses that are remarkably human-like in their tone and context. This technology has numerous applications, from improving customer service to enhancing education, and can solve complex problems in minutes.

One such application of ChatGPT is AskPlato, a new Chrome extension that uses AI to enhance your online experience. AskPlato makes it easier to search for information on Google, providing a chat-like experience that allows users to find what they’re looking for faster and more efficiently. Additionally, AskPlato can help users compose better responses to social media posts, whether on Twitter or WhatsApp, by analyzing the context and providing suggested responses. With its powerful AI capabilities, AskPlato is poised to revolutionize the way we interact online.

One area where AskPlato can make a significant impact is in enhancing productivity in the workplace. Imagine being able to find the information you need within seconds, without having to wade through pages of search results. With AskPlato’s AI-powered search capabilities, this is now possible. Not only does AskPlato make it easier to search for information on Google, but it also provides a chat-like experience that allows you to ask follow-up questions and refine your search query in real-time.

Another use case for AskPlato is in social media management. With the increasing importance of social media in today’s world, businesses and individuals alike are looking for ways to improve their social media presence. AskPlato can help by providing suggested responses to social media posts, allowing you to engage with your audience more effectively and efficiently. Whether you’re running a small business or managing a large social media account, AskPlato can save you time and help you achieve better results.

Overall, the launch of AskPlato represents a significant step forward in the field of natural language processing and AI. By leveraging the power of ChatGPT, AskPlato is able to provide a unique and innovative online experience that enhances productivity and improves social media engagement. With the increasing importance of online communication and search, the introduction of AskPlato couldn’t have come at a better time.

Let’s get you started with the AskPlato.

Step-By-Step Guide to Use Plato

(A) Download And Install from the Chrome Extension Store

To install AskPlato in your browser, follow the given ways:-

  1. Follow the given link of chrome web store to download —


2. Visit the official AskPlato website — Click on the download button to install the extension.

Now that you have added the chrome extension let’s explore how to enjoy its features.

(B) Search Experience ( Embedded )

This feature of AskPlato works while you are using Google Search Engine. As you search anything feature will give a result based on your search query in a summarised and short form.

Some of its key features are :-

  • Short & summarised results.
  • Fast search result.
  • AI based results.
  • No user interaction required.

(C ) Twitter Experience feature

On Twitter web in chrome:

You can select a text, press “Ctrl + Q” , a popup is shown in which you can interact and get help in replying on the tweet

Twitter — Share the responses on Whatsapp

(D) Chat Experience feature

Interactive chat session on the chrome extension with ease.


1) Create your account

2) Go and Sign In

3 ) Start playing with Plato

As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovations that will change the way we interact with the world around us. At the forefront of this transformation is ChatGPT, the powerful AI language model that is powering innovations like AskPlato. With its ability to understand and generate human language, ChatGPT is unlocking new possibilities for productivity, education, and communication.

At AskPlato, we are committed to staying at the forefront of these developments and continuing to innovate in the field of natural language processing. Our team is constantly working to improve the capabilities of our AI-powered Chrome extension, and we have exciting plans for the future. With your support and feedback, we can make AskPlato even better and more useful for users around the world.

So what are you waiting for?

Try AskPlato today and experience the power of AI for yourself. And if you find it useful, be sure to share it with your friends and colleagues so they can benefit as well. Together, we can unlock the full potential of AI and create a better, more productive world.




Enhance your Google Search engine experience, Twitter experience and share the same on Whatsapp - powered by ChatGPT